Monday, February 15, 2010

Long Time, No See!

That's what we usually tell people whom we haven't seen for a long while. I'm referring to this blog which I haven't been able to manage or update for a long, long time.

If only this was accessible at the office or if someone will generously give me a laptop (yes, I don't have a laptop!), I will be able to update this daily at least. As if I have readers, haha!

I can't even remember what the last entry was about - I just went ahead and started writing this entry.

Well, icing on the cake today is that - IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Nothing special, no surprises (hint to everyone: i love surprises, you see? *roll eyes*), just went thru my day like an ordinary day. My husband (YES, I'm married!), went home to Pampanga the day before so he can spend the day with me today. We went to the mall and watched a movie.

I just realized that for the past few posts, for the past few years, I kept talking about love and heart aches - but never about marriage. Maybe because I had no idea about it, or that I thought it will be easy.

Well I just hit a wall and finally facing the real world.

In a nutshell - Marriage is not easy. Period.

Maybe we're one of the few newlywed couples who learned this very early in the marriage (we'll just turn 2 MONTHS this 18th). I guess, really, one factor is that, you will really need a lot of patience and understanding for each other, else, you'll drive each other crazy. You see, I'm already an ever-so-patient person, the people under my supervision can attest to that, even my colleagues. But, I keep realizing everyday,since I got married, that I need more patience. I can't get everything or anything I want anymore - it's not like before when I was single when, you think of something that you want to do, and then, you do it.

And then I also realized lately that when you're outside, your relationship gets tested a lot - sometimes petty instances, sometimes major issues that you sometimes cannot understand how you'd go through it. the world keeps hurling out different curveballs to you, and it will really matter how you'll try to not be hit by it. If you're not strong enough, or if you do not have enough trust and faith with your other half, it will be very difficult.

Sometimes, when I know I can no longer control the situation, I stop trying to find the reason and just lift up everything to God. It helps my heart. It helps my mind. And best of all, it calms me down and gives me a clearer vision of what I need to do with the situation.

Bottom line is that, couples need to make God the center of their relationship. ALWAYS.

I keep praying for the two of us, that we'll be strong enough to keep away from all the temptations that this world is dishing out on us. Can you imagine that most married couples I know keep saying that the adjustment stage is usually a minimum of 5 years?? WOW!

Love isn't easy as I thought. Marriage is the real world, the battle field.

But then again, isn't it that, the battle is the Lord's?


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